Sunday, May 31, 2020

(DOVE) AGEHA OSAKA, 25th October 2015

Notable card
Kodaka Isami & Kabuki Kid vs HAYATA & Tadasuke (HAYATA & Tadasuke won)
Tsubasa & Rollin Boy vs The GinGin Boys (YO-HEY & Kenshin Chikano)
Shoichi Uchida & Yuki Aoki vs Brother YASSHI & Yasu Kubota

The event
GUNSO had suffered a bad injury in Hiroshima on September 20th with a complete right ankle dislocation and ligament injury. This didn't stop him coming to the event and making a speech in the ring at the end and thanking everyone for coming. He was on crutches due to his injury

Dove wrestlers all chipped in with promotional duties; Kabuki Kid took posters round shops in Osaka who co-sponsored Dove. Uchida said he wanted to do right by Gunso and sell t-shirts as he wanted the money. 

YO-HEY got very little sleep as he was being kept awake by helicopters. He also later tried to bite Tsubasa. 

Mexican wrestler, Rollin, went missing so Tsubasa posted on his Twitter;
"Lost Child
Name Rollin Boy ① 170 cm 88 kg ② Hometown: Mexico ③ Debut: 2007.4.30 ④ Estado de Mexico Welterweight Tag Champion. Scheduled to participate in Dove pro wrestling from 18:00 today."
They eventually found him in Namba district, and had no idea how he even got there. Tsubasa's comment, "Bastard".

Ray Paloma had a video of himself flirting with the belt (he was the champion at the time). He was later challenged by Ultimate Spider Jnr. Paloma told him to apply on a postcard and send it to the Dove office. 

HAYATADA'S (HAYATA & Tadasuke) entrance video included footage of Tadasuke getting drunk. Once in the ring, HAYATA and Isami squared up to each other

Isami was given a welcome to Dove tequila toast, while GUNSO told him that he wanted to see Isami vs HAYATA next time, did he also want to face YO-HEY too? When the injury healed, he wanted to face him in a singles too. Anyway "Today Isami, welcome to Dove!"

Then everyone got drunk, and at some point Tadasuke went missing. After three in ring tequilas from Rollin Boy, the GinGin Boys hit the bar, about three minutes later according to YO-HEY. He also passed out at the party after the aftershow party, to be told by HAYATA that he was the "Strongest deadhead". 

Picture links

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