Wednesday, June 17, 2020

(DOVE) ~ AGEHA OSAKA (21st June 2015)

Notable card
YO-HEY vs Naoki Tanazaki (Tanazaki is an old friend from DragonGate). Tanazaki bought a dancer with him to the ring, and the match involved chairs (he won). 

Shoichi Uchida & Ray Paloma vs Yas Kubota & Brother Yasshi. Yas Kubota called Uchida & Paloma "The Naked Brothers" (Yasshi got the win thanks to using a crutch belonging to Yas's twin brother, on Ray's crotch)

Tadasuke vs Kenshin Chikano (Tadasuke won)

This video of a man scorned over a DVD, led to Kabuki Kid teaming with Tsubasa against HAYATA & Gunso, in "Kabuki Kid's Sorrow: Beyond Grace". Kabuki Kid and Tsubasa won. 

The event
The venue had changed a lot since Dove where there last, it was far more plush and swanky and looks like it was primarily used for hostess parties, and with the big pink heart at the door, probably as a strip club too. 

Ray Paloma returned from injury, he had been out for about a year. Today he had also had a personal tragedy as his father had passed away, and the funeral was held earlier in the day.

Shoichi Uchida said he had been on a quest to lose weight, he had planned to drop to 77kg, but ended up 75kg. 

Apparently one of the Kubota brothers (Hide) does not own a computer. 

HAYATA (a fussy eater), accidentally ate some pickles according to YO-HEY. It took him about 14 seconds until he realised.  

Dove ran a fundraiser for Hide Kubota, who was injured and had to walk with a cane. However, this didn't stop him from using said cane on Ray Paloma...

Naturally "The Naked Brothers" ended up embracing 

While HAYATA avoids the camera, YO-HEY loves being photographed, and would stick his face right in the camera of the fans who were taking pictures at ringside. 


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